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The final event of “LIFE Viva Grass“ project

On February 27-28, 2019 – the final event of “LIFE Viva Grass project” was organized in Vilnius, Lithuania.

During the conference we presented the Integrated planning tool, which was created during the project to map and assess grassland ecosystem services and help integrate the ecosystem service approach into decision making in the three Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

We also shared experiences on the ongoing national MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services) processes in the three Baltic countries and discussed the future plans of the European Commission on the integration of ecosystem service approach in the agricultural and environmental sectors.



Presentations of the conference

Opening and Introduction to the Final Conference of project “LIFE Viva Grass”

Session I: Ecosystem service assessment: process and methodologies.

Assessment of ecosystem services on national scale: 3 Baltic states. Short pitch speeches from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: what is the state of national MAES processes & methodologies used. Representatives from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia:

Session II: the “Viva Grass Integrated Planning Tool”

Presentations on the Tool’s functioning and operationalizing eco-system services in different land-use decision making contexts

Three different land-use decision making contexts:


Session III: Future policy development


Pictures from the conference

The conference was held in Vilnius, Lithuania at the conference hall in the hotel “Best Western”, Konstitucijos av. 14.



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