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EVENT REPORT (of the second day &field trip)

CONFERENCE BOOKLET (agenda & speakers)



Presentations from the event are available and downloadable here:


THURSDAY, 6th of October – Cultural heritage and communities

Welcome speeches:

Prof Kalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences

Welcome speech, Video (119,4MB)

Mr Andres Onemar, Director General of Environmental Board

Welcome speech, Video (75,9MB)

Keynote speakers:

Dr Riin Alatalu (ICOMOS Estonia)

Protection of World heritage, protection of local heritageVideo (399,9MB)

Dr Peter Bille Larsen (IUCN, Luzern University)

Community-based conservation: exploring rights-based approaches, Video (316,5MB)

Mrs Ave Paulus (Environmental Board of Estonia)

A holistic approach to cultural heritage protection – Lahemaa NP 45, Video (225,7MB)

Mrs Elena Shatkovskaya (Kenozero NP, Russia)

Cultural heritage protection in Kenozero National Park, Video (343,5MB), Kenozero National Park video 

Mr Ülar Mark (Union of Architects, Natturi village)

Locals, architects and heritage,  Video (178,4MB)

Keynote speakers:

Mr Siim Raie, Director General of Heritage Board

Welcome speechVideo (192,4MB)

Mr Marti Hääl  (Society of Juminda peninsula, Tammistu village)

Community-based heritage protection – challenges of heritage management in Lahemaa NP, Video (308MB)

Ms Manana Tevzadze (Blue Shield Georgia)

Emergence of Cultural Heritage Civil Society in Georgia. Successes and Challenges of grass roots initiatives in heritage sector, Video (253,6MB)

Mr Oliver Orro (Estonian Academy of Arts)

What becomes heritage?, Video (371,2MB)

Mrs Svetlana Belova (Machaon International)

Project “Wooden architecture in cultural landscape: new challenges in modern world”, Video (246,5MB)

Dr Viktor Yandovsky (State Research Institute for Restoration, Russia)

Wooden churches of Kenozero NP and their restoration, Video (228,5MB)

Mr Artur Talvik (Parliament of Estonia, Tapurla village)

Locals and heritage, Video (442,3MB)

FRIDAY, 7th of October – Management of cultural landscapes 

Keynote speakers, panel discussion

Ms Heidrun Fammler, Baltic Environmental Forum

Welcome speech, Video (48,1MB)

Prof Hannes Palang (Tallinn University)

Sustainable futures for Europe’s heritage in cultural landscapes, Video (396MB)

Ms Maaria Semm, Prof Kalev Sepp (Estonian University of Life Sciences)

Protection and management of agricultural landscapes of Lahemaa National Park, Video (335,7MB)

Mr Jonathan Porter (UK, Countryscape)

Landscape character: enhancing understanding and governance of cultural landscapes, Video (465,2MB)

Dr. Anda Ruskule (BEF Latvia)

Good practice on viabale grassland management. LIFE VivaGrass project, Video (399MB)

Prof Stephen Hall (University of Lincoln, UK; Emeritus professor of animal science)

Livestock breeds and cultural landscapesVideo (370,9MB)

Case studies

Mrs Kaja Lotman (Environmental Board of Estonia)

Management of cultural landscapes in Estonian National Parks, Video (327,1MB)

Mr Ennu Tšernjavski (Vanaküla village, Aaviku farm)

Native breeds and forestry – horses, Video (296MB)

Mrs Imbi Jäetma (Kolga village, Sae farm)

Native breeds and management of grasslands – sheep, Video (343MB)

Round Table Discussions

  • How to quarantee sustainable management of agricultural landscapes – new challanges
  • ​How to promote community-centered heritage protection?

Video (824,6MB)

International conference “Local communities, cultural landscapes and heritage“,  October 6-8, 2016 was held in Estonia, Lahemaa National Park manors and villages organised by the Environmental Board of Estonia in cooperation with Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Arts and ICOMOS Estonia. The conference was dedicated to Lahemaa National Park’s 45th anniversary.

During the first day of the conference the issues of heritage management in theory and practice were explored and the keynote speakers focused on protection of world and local heritages, community-based heritage protection, holistic approach to cultural heritage protection as well as round table discussion was held “How to promote community-centered heritage protection?’.

The second day more attention was paid to management of valuable cultural landscapes and keynote speakers talked about protection and management of agricultural landscapes, enhancing understanding and governance of cultural landscapes as well as round table discussion “How to guarantee sustainable management of agricultural landscapes – new challenges” was held.

Dr. Anda Ruskule, project’s LIFE Viva Grass expert, held the presentation “Good practice on viabale grassland management”. The good practice examples of grassland management investigated by the project show that the solutions lie in multi-functional use of grasslands, diversification of income and building of co-operation networks within local communities.

The participants of this conference were experts in the field, heritage practitioners and members of local communities of protected areas. More information about the conference please find here:

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