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Open day event in Madliena

July 7, 2018. The aim of the event was to get acquainted with another good examples of grassland management and grasslands provided ecosystem services.

At the beginning of the day we visited farm in Vērene, Madliena parish, farmers Māra and Einārs introduced with their farm – goats and rabbits and grassland maintenance practices. This is family business and mostly all season they are working by own, the meat is sold directly to customers as well as conies and other products. Afterwards participants visited a farm “Zvaigžņu aitas” (literal translation – Star sheep) where the owner Anna told about the aim of the sheep farm – to improve and offer for selling the breeding animals at the same time restoring the meadows, protecting the nature resources and increasing the biodiversity. So, it’s not only financial aspects as drivers but also care about the nature, habitats and improvement of grasslands with a long-term perspective. At the end of the event we visited Park of Swings in Ķeipene to find out about the magics of swings and how to use the meadow plants in the bath-house rituals. So, a little touch of the magics and philosophy.

By visiting those 3 farms we gained a wide perspective of the way the meadows can be managed, and grassland benefits used. Also, we could assess the initiative of locals and their wish to manage the farm.

Photos from the event.

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