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Norwegian ornitologists: Nemunas delta has huge potential, June 2016

Norwegian ornithologists that visited Nemunas delta and Lithuanian coastline at the end of June claimed that most of them had came to Lithuania for the first time and had been amazed by rich wildlife, high food quality and low prices.

“You have such a rich diversity of plants, insects and birds that in most countries due to intensive farming have disappeared few decades ago. If only more Norwegians know about nature treasures in Lithuania, they would definitely come to see them.” – one of ornithologists shared his impressions. Other colleague agreed and added: “Bird species that we have in our country differs. It is really interesting to observe those species that I have never seen before.”

The group of twelve ornithologists have observed more than 130 bird species during their 5-days-long trip in Palanga, Curonian Spit and Nemunas delta. Romantic concert of Aquatic warbler, Ventė Cape Ornithological Station, the colony of cormorants and huge open areas of grasslands received the biggest impressions. Morten Günther, the leader of the group and experienced ornithologist, founds convenient access to be one of regions’ advantages: “Cheap direct flights from Oslo to Palanga creates good conditions for Norwegians to visit Nemunas delta and coastline of Lithuania.”

Specialists of Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania that joined the group on the last day are certain that this trip proves the birds to create benefits for the region. “Birds are not only the unique feature of Nemunas delta but also an opportunity to attract additional income from tourism. It is really important to understand that birds and their home (grasslands) could survive only when having support from locals.” – tells Justas Gulbinas, an environmentalist.

In a near future Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania together with Šilutė municipality plan to carry out the broader research of tourists. It will contribute to the development of nature tourism that specialists consider to be one of the possible solutions to maintain grasslands in this territory in a long run.

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