Bundles of ecosystem services

Habitat bundle (aggregated data)

How was it created?

Create sum of ES belonging to habitat bundle, convert to raster using created field as value field, run zonal statistics as table on 5 km grid. Create 3 categories of belongingness of grid cells to bundle by using “natural brakes (jenks)”

What is shown by the layer?

Level of belonging of agroecosystems in 5km grid cell to habitat bundle


Mean value of sum of ES in habitat bundle in 5×5 km grid.

How can it be used?

Overview of spatial distribution of habitat bundle

Update frequency

Same as base map data (every year)

Production bundle (aggregated data)

How was it created?

Create sum of ES belonging to production bundle, convert to raster using created field as value field, run zonal statistics as table on 5 km grid. Create 3 categories of belongingness of grid cells to bundle by using “natural brakes (jenks)”

What is shown by the layer?

Level of belonging of agroecosystems in 5 km grid cell to production bundle.


Mean value of sum of ES in production bundle in 5×5 km grid.

How can it be used?

Overview of spatial distribution of production bundle

Update frequency

Same as base map data (every year)

Soil bundle (aggregated data)

How was it created?

Create sum of ES belonging to soil bundle, convert to raster using created field as value field, run zonal statistics as table on 5 km grid. Create 3 categories of belongingness of grid cells to bundle by using “natural brakes (jenks)”

What is shown by the layer?

Level of belonging of agroecosystems in 5km grid cell to soil bundle

Aggregated data of habitat, production and soil bundles in “Viva Grass Viewer”


Mean value of sum of ES in soil bundle in 5x5km grid.

How can it be used?

Overview of spatial distribution of soil bundle

Update frequency

Same as base map data (every year)

Explore the data (aggregated date from 2017)

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Habitat bundle

Bundles of ecosystem services are defined as a set of associated ecosystem services that are linked to a given ecosystem and usually appear together repeatedly in time and/or space. The increase of one service in the bundle usually means also increase of other services belonging to the bundle. LIFE Viva Grass analysis revealed 3 bundles of ecosystem services for grasslands:

“habitats” bundle represent fields where such services as “herbs for medicine”, “maintaining habitats”, “global climate control” and “pollination and seed dispersal” are having supply potential values above average (values from 3 to 5);

Production bundle

Bundles of ecosystem services are defined as a set of associated ecosystem services that are linked to a given ecosystem and usually appear together repeatedly in time and/or space. The increase of one service in the bundle usually means also increase of other services belonging to the bundle. LIFE Viva Grass analysis revealed 3 bundles of ecosystem services for grasslands:

“Production” bundle represent fields, where such services as “reared animals and their output”, “fodder”, “biomass based energy sources” and “weathering process” are having supply potential values above average (from 3 to 5);

Soil bundle

Bundles of production, habitats and soil in “Viva Grass Viewer”

Bundles of ecosystem services are defined as a set of associated ecosystem services that are linked to a given ecosystem and usually appear together repeatedly in time and/or space. The increase of one service in the bundle usually means also increase of other services belonging to the bundle. LIFE Viva Grass analysis revealed 3 bundles of ecosystem services for grasslands:

“soil” bundle represent fields where such services as “control of erosion rates”, “chemical conditions of freshwaters”, “bio-remediation” and “filtration/storage/accumulation by ecosystems” are having supply potential values above average (values from 3 to 5).

Explore the data

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