Dubysa regional park – abandoned land despite intensive farm management, Lithuania

Territories: State Šušvė landscape reserve, Dubysos regional park and Pašešuvis landscape reserve, Šaltuona botanical-zoological reserve.

Dubysa regional park – abandoned land despite intensive farm management, Lithuania

The territories in the middle of Lithuania are situated in an intensive agricultural area. Some rare plant species grow here and are threatened to be overshadowed by growing bushes and trees or to be plowed by farmers. Also the problem of losing scenic views occurs here too. Most of the area is divided into very small land plots (on average 6 ha) owned by a large number of private landowners who have no motivation to maintain the grasslands. One of the reasons is that EU direct payment schemes are economically more favourable and therefore cultivation of crop production is more profitable. The other is that some landowners are pensioners or not locals and they have no interest to manage those small plots, so they keep them abandoned. Can ecosystems service assessment provide landowners with the solution for grassland maintenance?


Project activities

  • 30,06 ha of semi-natural grassland restored instead of previously planned 20 ha and practical long-term management measures for the protected area defined.
Before restoration works

Before grassland restoration works

After restoration works

After grassland restoration works

  • The integrated planning tool tested in the level of protected area.

  • Interactive wallet-like notice board built.