Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia

Project partner: Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia

Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia (BEF EE) was founded in July 2003 as non-governmental non-profit organisation. It aims to promote environmental and nature protection issues in Estonia and other Baltic countries, facilitate environmental management and develop relevant skills of different agencies and stakeholders. BEF EE is well accepted at state nature conservation authorities in its role as a moderator and mediator of processes. BEF EE is also a member of the Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs and of the BEF Group.

BEF EE has participated in numerous international projects (LIFE, Interreg, EEA/Norwegian Financial Instrument etc.). The team of BEF EE has offered environmental expertise and technical assistance in organising seminars, workshops and trainings on environmental and nature conservation issues. Furthermore, the team of BEF EE has excellent experience in elaboration of publications on nature conservation issues.

BEF EE is well experienced in stakeholder involvement in LIFE and other international projects in various nature conservation related topics and has managed to establish stable relations with some of the key stakeholders both at national and international level.

In LIFE Viva Grass project BEF EE will co-ordinate and support the Estonian partners and will lead the activities dealing with stakeholder involvement and dissemination. BEF EE is also responsible for guiding the conceptual insight in the tool development from the Estonian perspective.