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Project session in ESP regional conference 2018

The ESP Europe Regional Conference is part of the bi-annual cycle of ESP regional conferences around the globe and this conference welcomes anyone interested in ecosystem services, but especially focuses on the science-policy-practice nexus and uptake within Europe. Conference location: San Sebastián, Spain; 15-19 October 2018; theme: Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice. On October 17, 2018 project LIFE Viva Grass will held the session “Ways of embedding the concept of ecosystem services into decision making processes for better agricultural land management” with the aim:  to share experience from various initiatives across Europe on ways of embedding the concept of ecosystem services into decision making process for better agricultural land management. project team would like to show the achievement of the LIFE Viva Grass project on development of grassland related planning solutions in the Baltic region and to invite other initiatives from similar thematic (grassland) and sectorial (agricultural) cases over Europe to demonstrate their practices. Further on, the aim is to discuss challenges and opportunities emerging from operationalising the concept of ES into existing land use planning and management systems. For detailed information about the session please click here.

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