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Project presented in the meeting of current LIFE program projects in Latvia

August 23, 2017 within the framework of the project “Capacity Building for LIFE program implementation in Latvia” (CAP LIFE LAT) the meeting of current LIFE program projects in Latvia was held.

This was the second meeting (the previous one took place on 27 of May 2016) with the purpose to share the experience on implementation of projects, sum up the necessity of training and discuss the course of projects.  The first part of the meeting was devoted for presentations by representatives of each project regarding the current issues and the work done during the first year of the project. In the second part discussions on challenges and good practice examples in implementation of projects, experience sharing and summing up the necessity for training were held.

Project coordinator in Latvia Kristīna Veidemane presented LIFE Viva Grass project and introduced with the development progress of the Integrated planning tool and other activities.

Currently 15 projects with co-funding of LIFE program are in progress in Latvia: eight of them cover the priority area of Nature and biological diversity, three – Environment and resource efficiency, three projects in Climate subprogram and one as Capacity building project.

At the end of September, a similar meeting in Baltic scale will be held, thus making Latvian projects share their experience with colleagues from Lithuania and Estonia.

Pictures from the event.

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