Viva Grass Planner

Viva Grass Planner module is targeted at professional users, organizations, who could apply the ecosystem services’ information in the their spatial planning process. “Viva Grass Planner” is accessible for registered users only; registration is carried out by the system administrator (contact him via e-mail to get the registration code). Every organization who uses “Viva Grass Planner” gets their own and customizable system environment. Organization can manage users, adopt grassland data model, add additional grassland attributes, manage the list of context data layers, add new layers, etc. This module provides a set of data management tools for fast and efficient organization’s data preparation. These tools allow to enrich grassland data with prepared data from „LIFE Viva Grass“ project, ecosystem service values, estimations and recommendations. This module can be used as an organization’s cloud based GIS platform to collect, store, manage and analyse grassland data. The “Viva Grass Planner” enables the carrying out advanced prioritization and classification functions, to visualize the results in a map as well as to export the processed data.

Go to the „Viva Grass Planner“

In the video tutorial bellow the main functionalities of this module is presented.

More information, how practically this module can be used, you can find in the self-learning platform.