High nature value grasslands

Dvarcioniu_pievaHigh nature value (HNV) grasslands are defined as grasslands with extremely high levels of biodiversity: they support healthy soils and large amount of wildlife. HNV grasslands are found in areas, where extensive agriculture is applied. By this mean the growth of woody vegetation is removed and soil is preserved from artificial fertilizers, overgrazing and heavy machinery compression – biodiversity thrives. HNV grasslands are still rather common in the Central and Eastern European countries, though in other regions of Europe these grasslands are much more localized or only found in protected areas. Most of today’s grasslands are a part of traditional agricultural landscapes. _T2A6020Intensive agriculture is a threat to the survival of HNV grasslands, because the application of this type of land management forms cultivated grasslands, which biodiversity is poor. Since the 1990’s, biodiversity-rich grasslands have been given special status as HNV areas and are thus integrated into EU agricultural policy. Within the recent Rural Development legislation, HNV grasslands are mentioned as areas in Europe which need special attention.

The place of HNV grasslands within ecosystem services needs to be clarified and flagged up – landscape, water-catchment functions, quality food production on land with limited economic options and cultural values.


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